Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what is your name? facebook!!!

As you all heard, a proud father of a girl in egypt, named his daughter "facebook" to mark the successful revolution that they had recently. If you want to know more click here
I think it is a big responsibility of the parents to choose a wise name for their kid, Do you think facebook is a wise name for a kid?

Looking forward to hear what you think?


  1. Wow..I didn't know about this news!
    This is really surprising for me!

    I don't think Facebook is a wise name at all.
    Facebook is kind of a brand name so that it doesn't suit for a name.
    If I were to be named Facebook, I'd like to change my name to something else for sure!
    When people talk about Facebook, I would be confused if they are calling my name or "Facebook." lol

    Even though the revolution was successful, I think Facebook should not be a name for people.

  2. Exactly!! I agaree with you %100. I think names should mean something or should refer to somebody who had a good effect in the world,or it could be religious like Michael, Joseph!!
    Some names have different origins, and might mean something nice in their own language, like my name is a persian name and means paradise! But not all the names in English means something, so I don't feel comfortable asking people what does your name mean...

  3. Whoa! I'll bet that kid is going to change her name when she grows up!! This reminds me of a story of a boy named Orangejello... which might be an urban legend, but still... don't name children after products or companies because they will probably be psychologically damaged for the rest of their lives!!

    I understand the father's motives to mark the occasion of a historic event... but don't you think he could have come up with something a little more...shall we say, fitting for the occasion--like, Peace, Hope, Joy, etc, which would better suit the occasion.

    Great story though!

  4. It could've been worse. The parents could have named her "Twitter". But maybe the term wouldn't have the same connotations in Arabic as it does in English.
