Sunday, February 27, 2011

Indiana Jones Lego!

As we were talking about the movies that have support of animations and video games and ...
I found This nice video for India Jones and I think it is a good one!!
I hope you like it too! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

House with a twist!! You can slide inside!!

I was going to check my email in Yahoo, that I saw this interesting post!!
A house that is kid pleasing and they can slide inside!! WOW
If you want to see all the pictures you can visit this link

If you don't have time, I am putting some of them here so you can see!
Thay are offering both stairs and slide!!!
Would you buy that house?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what is your name? facebook!!!

As you all heard, a proud father of a girl in egypt, named his daughter "facebook" to mark the successful revolution that they had recently. If you want to know more click here
I think it is a big responsibility of the parents to choose a wise name for their kid, Do you think facebook is a wise name for a kid?

Looking forward to hear what you think?

Friday, February 18, 2011

youth and new media!

Do you think youth are so attached to new media like iPod, iPhone, smart phones,....? well, I agree with you. I know some people that can not live without checking their facebook often during the day, or their smart phone is glued to their hands and are texting often. I am not sure if it is healthy or  respectful to others to be attached to all these new technologies.
The time that we spent with family is getting less and less. I believe that there should be a moderation between using technology and living our lives. I remember I was reading a book for my English class, and there was a chapter about how people are missing so much from world, when they are walking or running in the morning and are listening to their iPod. They are missing the sound of wind, birds, water.(depending where they are running!) People don't communicate with each other more when they know that they can ignore others with pretending to listen to a music.
Or is it respectful to talk on the phone while ordering your coffee from Starbucks or your food from McDonald's? I don't think so.

I think youth need to realize that it is important to learn new technologies, but there should be a moderation in using them. We need to learn to use the technology appropriately and enough. Otherwise the family bonds are going to disappear, since people don't spend time together anymore! :(

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My favorite super bowl commercial...

Doritos Healing Grandpa commercial is my favorite commercial in this year's super bowl. It has a very deep meaning behind it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy safer internet day!!!

According to Yahoo! today is a safer internet day, and after all we talked about yesterday in the class, I though we should celebrate this day!

Have a great, fun and safer internet day!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Have you ever heard of Cyberbullying?
I was reading a magazine called Woman'sDay,(September 2010 issue), and it says that %60 of high schoolers say they have experienced cyberbullying which ic through things like texting, facebook and YouTube.
They gave 11 warning singns, and if one or more of these behaviors persists, it could mean your child is being bullied.
  • Has unexplained cuts, bruises and scrapes
  • Comes home from school with torn clothing, damaged books
  • Constantly loses school supplies or money
  • Doesn't want to go to school; is afraid to ride the school bus
  • Chooses an illogical route for going and from school
  • Suddenly is sullen, withdrawn, evasive
  • Seems socially isolated, with few, if any, friends; is rarely invited to parties or homes of other kids
  • Complain of headaches, stomachaches; frequently visits the school nurse
  • Has difficulty sleeping, bad dreams; cries self to sleep, wets the bed
  • Appears sad or depressed
  • Has a sudden and significant drop in grades, as well as difficulty focusing and concentrating.
React the right way:  find out the level of bullying, email or meet the teacher, report the harassment to your ISP(contact the company that runs the website, and ask them to take it off), if the bullying is physical call the police.
How you can help teens and "tweens" cope with this problems? You need to rebuild their self-esteem, create a network of friends, and teach them coping skills and assertiveness.

    I thought this is important to know and be aware of.
     Please help stop bullying! If you know any other websites or articles I would be happy if you share it with me! :)

    Also I found this video that shows how Cyberbullying is happening. Hope we can stop it!

    Have a great day!

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    snow day and studying! :)

    Hi every body!

    So as you know today we got a snow day and I just got a phone call from COD that they are canceled until noon, but no news from North Central yet!

    So what did you do today? well, I did study my computer science, then shoveled the snow that had covered our balcony, which you can see in the picture below. It took an hour and 3 people to finish it, but looks great now. I heard that there is going to be little rain shower and then it will be ice, because of the cold weather. Lets see what happens!!!

    I remember my niece asked me once, what are we called? what is the name of our generation? in Generation Digital it mentions that we are called couple of different things, like "N-geners", "Webheads","Keyboard Kids", "CyberChildren" and "the MySpace generation".

    It was very interesting to me that RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America) decided to sue its own users who were teenagers and college students. Can't imagine the face of the parents when they got the mail that shows how much they are charged and loved the comment that , that one father made,
    " They're in there doing their homework and listening to all these different songs. I don't know what the .... they did, but I know one thing; they're not going to be doing it anymore." Does this sound familiar to you? I think that is what most children do. Make trouble!!! LOL and their parents talk exactly the same!

    well, until next time,
    Keep warm and be safe! :)